/principles page

Principles Page Project

In earlier times, public vows were more than just words; they were sacred promises made in front of a common, seeking accountability not only to others but to oneself. These commitments, often taken during religious or civic ceremonies, carried a weight that bound the individual to a course of action. The public nature of these pledges gave them power, transforming private intention into public responsibility. Community witnesses becoming safeguards, holding the individual accountable to their word.

The Principles Page Project revives the tradition of public vows, adapting it for the digital age, where interactions have become increasingly complex and communities fragmented. It encourages individuals to create a public principles page on their personal website, making a declaration of intent that holds them accountable. Your public — followers, peers, colleagues, and digital friends — becomes your witness.

The slash-principles page isn’t about listing lifestyle choices or broad ethical stances; it’s about charting your course, particularly in career and personal development. It’s about aligning your choices with the standards that reflect your core beliefs, ensuring both personal integrity and professional advancement. The aim is not to separate your world into work and personal categories, but to maintain authenticity in all aspects. This project focuses on guiding real choices — especially when the world asks you to compromise between what you believe and what’s expected of you.

Creating a Principles Page means taking authorship of your own story. This is not about reacting to outside pressures, but embracing the freedom to direct your own path. Writing and publishing your beliefs in action turns introspection into a practical guide for how you will live, work, and contribute to society. Owning these standards imposes responsibility but also brings clarity, helping you navigate complexities with more confidence. Even as things change, having this blueprint helps you stay adaptable without losing sight of what truly matters, keeping you grounded in your core values.

While major life decisions often receive the most attention, it’s in the small, daily moments of doubt and uncertainty where having principles prove the real worth. This project encourages the use of such standards not just for grand, philosophical declarations but for managing the granular realities of daily course. The page then becomes a guidepost for everyday living, whether you explore new horisons, make decisions, faced with a dilemma at work or a challenging personal relationship episode.

The /principles page suggests a way of thinking that goes beyond virtue signaling by reinforcing your integrity through real-world actions. Shallow virtue signaling puts you at risk. Digital accountability is nuanced, and this project encourages the formation of smaller, intentional communities around the slash-principles pages, rather than relying on a broad, faceless audience. These close-knit groups will better cultivate meaningful interactions and promote genuine conversations, collaborations, and shared experiences.

In a decentralised, post-digital society, personal identity will be shaped not by what you consume or display but by how you act and what you stand for. Writing a Principles Page is not just about adding a link to your site — it’s about preparing yourself for the principles-first economy, where character and integrity speak louder than achievements. Potential employers, collaborators, or friends might turn to your website first, letting it inform their decisions about working with or supporting you.

The Principles Page isn’t just for individuals. Collectives can also use this approach to create shared values in action, whether it’s a team, a community, or an organization. Crafting group standards helps establish a collective identity and fosters trust. Much like a modern-day social contract, guiding principles can provide transparency and encourage collaboration without becoming exclusionary. By enabling open discussion and establishing clear, shared guidelines, groups can create inclusive spaces that encourage dialogue with trust and openness rather than impose rigid rules, ensuring that collective standards serve as a foundation for collaboration and mutual respect.

Finally, for those who don’t yet have a personal website, defining your principles provides the perfect reason to start one. A personal website offers freedom from the constraints of social media apps and allows for full, genuine self-expression. It’s more than a digital business card — it’s a platform that helps you discover who you truly are and share what you stand for, on your terms. Looking for an example of a principles page? You can examine mine lev.lc/principles to get a sense of how it might come together.

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